Simplify and streamline your company's appointment system

Allow your customer to select the service and the place where he/she wants to receive it.


The Appointment System allows the client to request an appointment from the comfort of their home. It also allows if the entity has a call center to manage the appointment for the individual. We make advanced use of technology by sending email and text message notifications. Through the internet the individual can select their appointment, review their calendar and cancel the appointment.

  • The organization is offered multiple functionalities for the administration of appointments, ranging from the creation of the bank of available spaces, data to be informed of the people summoned and statistics that cover from start to finish the processes related to appointments.
  • Appointments allows the client to request the most convenient dates and times for him/her. Through the functionality of the module, the different alternatives are presented based on the selected criteria. The client will be able to select the available space he/she is interested in.
  • On the administrative side, offices can define the available spaces based on their staff. As people select their appointments, the spaces available for others are automatically reduced.

Main functionalities

The Appointment module allows the customer or service center to book an appointment.

It allows the client to request the most convenient dates and times for him, within the availability of the office.

Offices can define the available space based on their staff.

As people select their appointments, the available spaces are automatically reduced.

Provides appointment data and statistics, covering from start to finish of the appointment process.

It allows to know in advance the persons summoned to the office.

Notifications are sent by email or text. Appointment reminders are sent.

It sends along with the appointment confirmation, a "Google Maps" that directs you from your location to your facility.

It sends along with the appointment confirmation, a "Google Maps" that directs you from your location to your facility.

Integrates the kiosk that allows the verification of the appointment at the time of registration by checking if it is the right date, time and place.

Appointment utilization reports by month. It is possible to see the available spaces vs. the used ones. Indicates to the user the documents he/she will need for the management to be performed.

Report of persons summoned per day.

Comparison report of available spaces vs. coordinated appointments.

Appointment report by status.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Click here and schedule an orientation with one of our customer service representatives.

Click here and schedule an orientation with one of our customer service representatives.

Click here and schedule an orientation with one of our customer service representatives.

Click here and schedule an orientation with one of our customer service representatives.

Click here and schedule an orientation with one of our customer service representatives.

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At TurnosPR we will guide you to improve the service experience for your customers.